Time to Resolve Cases
The APADRC’s Restorative Justice Program (RJ) operates in juvenile detention centers and in mainstream and charter schools in Los Angeles County. The APADRC’s RJ program is a preventative resource that can help avoid escalation or repetition of crimes among youths and young adults.
Through RJ facilitation, victims are empowered to heal by taking the step of forgiveness, while offenders are afforded the opportunity to be restored back into the community by taking accountability for their actions. RJ emphasizes collaborative group dialogue and works to break the negative reinforcement cycle of crime and punishment.
As each new generation enters society, it is important that they are equipped with the skills and tools to manage conflict appropriately. The APADRC has been working towards this end for the past 30 years. In the past year we initiated 82 cases with 97.6% being resolved. Here is a snapshot of how we are doing: