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10:30 am
Taller virtual gratis en español
El Centro de Salud Mental VIP y las Promotoras deSalud Mental del Condado de Los Angeles les invitan aparticipar a un taller virtual gratis en español. Link: https://zoom.us/j/93207562355?pwd=ZnQ0WXdmV1BLdytQcGNWWDZpa0VuZz09
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Sexual Assault Awareness Month – Real Talk with Jennifer Zowada
Join Casa de la Familia on social media to help learn and spread awareness about sexual assault and abuse and how it affects our community. April 6th: Roundtable Therapy Watch the latest episode on YouTube where clinicians talk about overcoming sexual assault trauma. April 14th: No estas solo Acompáñenos en Facebook Live para una conversación ...
Find out more »6:00 pm
Not Your Model Minority: The Art and Activism of Renee Tajima Peña
The Film & Theatre Department at San José State University Presents:
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