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3:00 pm
Designing for Literacy Development in the Hybrid Classroom Webinar Series – Expression and Communication
Learners are more likely to take academic risks when they see varied models of success and know there are many paths they can take to demonstrate their skills. Use this session to design unique ways for learners to communicate learning and express their abilities. Register here.
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CDE’s Creating Brave Spaces in Early Childhood Webinar Series: How Excluding, Suspending, and Expelling Hurts Children
CDE's Creating Brave Spaces in Early Childhood Webinar Series: How Excluding, Suspending, and Expelling Hurts Children Return for the second session of collective discourse to create systemic impact with California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, moderator Senta Greene, and panelists Dr. Walter Gilliam, Maurice Sykes, Nadia Jaboneta, Dr. Tunette Powell, and Kadija Johnston as they ...
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