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10:00 am
Right to Rebel
THIS EVENT IS FREE STUDENTS COMING TOGETHER IN SOLIDARITY TO CHANGE A CULTURE OF INEQUITY Right to Rebel is a virtual rally where you will learn to use your social networks to drive positive social change. Register by Nov 11 to receive a $25 Grubhub gift card and be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship. Special Guests: ...
Find out more »World Kindness Day
WORLD KINDNESS DAY COMMUNITY GIVEAWAY DRIVE-THRU Community Giveaway Drive-Thru for Service Providers and Individuals. Participants will be able to pick up, up to 5 bags/boxes of their choice of clothing, hand sanitizer, masks, food, diapers and wipes (and maybe more). We will also be providing a cooked meal (spaghetti, salad and garlic bread) to all ...
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